There are many ways to keep good workers. But who is in a position to overhaul their business overnight. Make three key changes and reap a windfall in benefits, revenue and increased morale overnight.
Here are three ways to keep good workers, increase morale, productivity and employee satisfaction.
Offer flexible schedules and more time off.
Flexibility has become a high stakes button for employees who value their time with family, self development, recreation and mental health maintenance.
Don’t find your company being the odd man out. You may discover the needed way to retain key personnel and spur them to become more productive and loyal to the company.
Especially is this important for companies that have high turnover. Save money and avoid the extra cost of hiring and training new workers unnecessarily. Be honest about your turnover rate. Ask why do good workers leave. Face the music, and fix the problem.
Encourage more remote/hybrid flexibility
Are there certain jobs that can be done at home. Can some positions be adequately filled by part-time workers? Could at least some of those workers stay home and offer a valuable service?
Raise wages for good workers.
Every boss knows who her good workers are. Pay them more. If you don’t, someone else will. A few more dollars per hour recognizes high performers. Good periodic raises boost morale, increase production and enhances loyalty.
Penny-pinchers squander money by constantly hiring and training new employees in droves. Count the new employees you’ve had in a single year. Recover from the shock. Are you unwittingly running a turnstile business. Disgruntled employees file in and out in an endless stream of monotony. Why continue watching a parade of duds? Instead gaze at a cavalcade of stars, stars in a fixed orbit in your business model.
Stop casting the mold for mediocrity. Creating positions that are dull, boring and monotonous casts a mold for dull and boring workers.
Instead creating slots that are exciting, creative, challenging and rewarding casts a mold for the right kind of workers you need.
Why count ex-employees. Counting revenue is more fun.