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Floridians Love the Upstate

Floridians Love Upstate Lakes and Parks

A couple from Florida love the upstate so much that they play and frolic in our lakes and parks for 3 months every year.

John and Gina Ranger may live in North Port, Florida, but they are so enamored with Greenville and Hendersonville that they live here months at a time each year.

Some of the major lakes are interconnected. So they make their way from one to the other, mainly kayaking, but also swimming, biking, hiking and meeting many of our friendly residents.

The Rangers also find their way into various jazz venues, quaint restaurants, boutiques, museums and specialty shops.

Take the Mineral Museum of Hendersonville. Fluorescent lights bring out the various hues of minerals, giving a new dimension to the phase “light show.” Volunteers show visitors around. Don’t be surprised if you leave there educated in the details of minerals, their discovery technics, processes, and craft displays. What a helpful crew, visitors can be heard enthusing.

Leather craft shops, ice cream parlors, handicrafts galore add variety to a visit downtown. Not everyone can have the pleasure of living in the foothills, but others do well to visit often and stay as long as they can. There’s enough fun here to go around for all.


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