Mission Statement
WhatsUpNews.online has a laser sharp mission. Our goal is to help the downtrodden, to strengthen wobbly knees and give hope to those in despair. That’s why we seek to enlist your help to give us news tips about unrecognized champions in the community so we can file streams of reports on many positive persons, deeds and aspirations among us. Reach out to sources@whatsupnews.online with positive news tips and help us build a more inclusive, stable and balanced community. We are here for you and we need you to be here for us.
It’s perfectly obvious that Greenville is on an amazing upward trajectory. So what’s the message? Get our act together and rise with the tide. Will we ever see more favorable conditions than now?
There is no need to beg for crumbs. Clearly the good Lord had a higher goal in mind when he said that “there is more joy in giving than receiving.” But some businessmen better understand corporate profits, which uses the same principle at a lower level. Thus enlighten businesspeople are discovering that it is more financially profitable to share the wealth with productive employees. Profit-sharing has found its second wind. Happy workers are more productive and more likely to stay for decades, thus reducing company overhead and measurably adding to the bottom line. Everyone benefits. Not gone but less pervasive is the traditional class war. Everyone wins.
Team synergy is the dynamic result of collaboration, where the combined efforts of a group achieve more than the sum of individual contributions. It represents the harmonious interactions of team members, fueled by shared goals, effective communication, and complementary skills.
One small business, for example, may have 100 workers forming a team. A large business would have thousands. The bigger view is for tens of thousands in a city to form one gigantic team by ensuring the success of each part of the community, everyone pulling its own weight. Thus we maximize dynamic synergy. Unleash such power and all rise to another level of human endeavor.
For example, a news outlet offers the value of reaching its readership with useful information and advertising. Readers pay for subscriptions and businesses pay for advertising. All prosper, all grow, all win. There’s no charity here. Business suave and enlighten self-interest prevails. All pull their own weight. Synergism works.
When kindling is in place, it takes only one spark to light a fire and one amber to ignite a glow. What propels water up with redoubled force from ground pressure and gravity squeezing roots and driving water up a snaking network of arteries resembling soda-like straws squeezing and driving water upward while cohesion and adhesion interior arteries aiding the smooth pathway ever upward until evaporating vapor creates a vacuum on the bottom of leaves atop mighty cedars? Thus the trees of God are satisfied with water. This ascending water flow has been clocked at one foot per hour.
So may we clasp our hands together and lift each other up, up, up. Success is not a monster to be fears; its our birthright, our destiny. Generous gifts have been sprinkled far and wide. Find yours. Cultivate it. And use it for the good of all.
Coming together is a good start. Remaining together is progress. Working together is success. We are better together.
The few we help today will multiply into a host with the inevitable passage of time. Start now. Built tomorrow with one brick at a time.